How to get your body back after pregnancy

How to get your body back after pregnancy

IMG_2633 -Kaffy

Women are amazingly strong. Their bodies go through so many changes during pregnancy , then they have to battle with how to revert those changes and return to they pre-pregnancy size. The area of greatest concern  for most women at this stage is the tummy. Some women find themselves giving up when they see how weak and flabby their abdominal area has become. However  we are here to tell you that it is possible to get you body back after pregnancy!

Today, we draw our inspiration from our very own Nigerian icon, Kaffy. Kaffy is a Nigerian professional dancer and choreographer. In 2006, Kaffy led her dance group to break the Guinness Book of Records world record for “Longest Dance Party” after they danced for 55hours and 40minutes. Now a mother of two children, she has successfully kept her body looking strong and beautiful. She attributes this success to dancing and has also created a dance based workout DVD called “Ijoda”. We believe dance is a really fun form of cardio anyone can use to get on track with weigh loss goals … however our point is if Kaffy can do it so can you!

The key to any form of fat loss is to eat less and move more. On that back drop, any weight loss menu should consist of mostly seafood  or lean meat and vegetables  while being physically active all day. To speed up things especial after pregnancy, you must  add at least 30 -40 minutes of interval training cardio workout to burn fat fast.

Here’s a sample workout which can be done with jumping jacks, skipping, jogging on the spot or any equipment:

  1. Workout for 5 minutes
  2. Walk or do the plank for 2 minutes
  3. Workout for 3 minutes and  alternate with 2 minutes of walking for 30 – 40 minutes
  4. Finish with 5 sets of 1 minute planks to tighten your abdominal walls

A plank looks like this:


Do this workout 4 to 6 times a week for at least one month and let us know how it goes. If this type of workout is not for you, then just dance! Now, since you are here why not hop over to our store to get Kaffy’s look .


Be Inspired…



“The proceeds from our apparel in the Gravity store are donated for the benefit of the community and other charitable purposes”




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